Saturday, August 2, 2008

Making Jam

So, Tiffany and I along with my FIL, my dad, my husband, and some help from the little ones picked over 15qts of chokecherries tonight. Oh, I discovered this summer that's what the bushes are that are in my yard :) Then we proceeded to stay up until midnight making jam! We used 9 of the qts (sending the other 3 with my mom to a friend of hers) and got 12 8oz jars of jam and 2 jars of syrup! The syrup we are ofcourse all having with breakfast in the morning :) I don't know if this was Tiffany's first time ever making Jam but it was mine! And what an experience... My feet hurt from standing that long! Oh, thanks Kim for the extra jars! They're expensive!

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